WHEN STOPPED BY THE POLICE... It is hard to know where to turn for help. I will discuss your case with you, review the videos and reports, and guide you through each step of your case so you can have peace of mind about getting the best possible result.
Norfolk GDC - 2 Charges: Charge (1) DUI / DWI, 1st, 0.19 BAC. Result: Sentence - (a) $1,000 fine with $500 suspended; (b) One year suspended license; (c) Complete VASAP; (d) 6 months ignition interlock if petition for restricted license in the next 12 months; (e) 40 hours community service within 6 months - monitored by VASAP; (f) 2 years good behavior; (g) 5 days jail to serve on weekends. Charge (2) Fail to Obey Highway Lane Markings. Result: Dismissed by Nolle Pros.
Newport News GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 53/25. Result: Amended to Improper Driving, $150.00 fine and $66.00 costs.
Newport News GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 61/35. Result: Amended to Defective Equipment with $100.00 fine and costs of $76.00.
Newport News JDR - Charge: Assault on Family Member. Result: To be dismissed upon completion of first offender program. Conditions: 2 years good behavior, pay court costs of $91.00; complete Anger Management classes.
Newport News GDC - Charge: Speeding, 64/45. Result: Dismissed!
Newport News GDC - Charge: Following Too Closely. Result: Amended to Defective Equipment with $100.00 fine and $66.00 costs.
Newport News GDC - 2 Charges: (1) Reckless Driving - Result: Dismissed. (2) DUI / DWI – Result: Sentenced - $250.00 fine, ASAP, 12 months suspended license, eligible for restricted license, 180 days jail - 170 suspended (10 days mandatory – weekends), 1 year good behavior.
Hampton GDC - 2 Charges: (1) Speeding, 78/60. Result: Withheld finding - To be dismissed if no new violations. (2) Fail to Carry Registration. Result: Dismissed with court costs only.
Newport News GDC - 5 Charges: DUI / DWI, 1st, 0.15. Result: $250.00 fine, ASAP, 180 days jail - 175 suspended (5 days mandatory - weekends), 12 months good behavior, 12 months suspended license, eligible for restricted license. Four remaining charges dismissed: Reckless Driving General, Open Container, Expired Tags, Fail to Carry Registration.
New Kent GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 79/55. Result: Amended to Speeding, 64/55, $100.00 fine plus costs.
Newport News GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving. Result: Amended to Improper Driving.
Southampton GDC - Charge: Speeding, 75/60. Result: Amended to Defective Equipment, with $120.00 fine and $61.00 court cost.
Norfolk GDC - Charge: DUI / DWI, 1st - Breath Test. Result: $500.00 fine with $250.00 suspended; ASAP; 12 months suspended license, eligible for restricted license; 6 months ignition interlock; jail - 5 days mandatory on weekends; Good behavior - 2 years; community service - 40 hours.
Newport News GDC - Charge: SP 51/35. Result: Amended to Defective Equipment with court costs of $75.00 and fine of $25.00.
Newport News GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 82/35. Result: Dismissed!
Williamsburg GDC - 5 charges: DUI / DWI 2nd within 5 years, Refusal 2nd, Reckless driving (failure to maintain control), Driving with suspended license, Open container. Dismissal of the four remaining misdemeanors upon a guilty plea for the DUI / DWI. DUI / DWI sentence: ASAP with no alcohol, $1000 fine with $500 suspended, $50 trauma fund fee, 5 years good behavior, 3 years suspended license (eligible for restricted license in 1 year), 33 days jail to be served on weekends.
Williamsburg Circuit – Charge: Speeding, 40/25. Result: Guilty with $50.00 fine plus costs. (Negative driving record, -12 demerit points).
York GDC - 2 Charges: (1) DUI / DWI, 1st, 0.18. Result: Sentence - (1) Suspended all but 5 days - (2) ASAP; (3) License - 12 month suspended/restricted - 6 months interlock; (4) Fine - $250.00 ($500.00 with $250.00 suspended). (2) Reckless Driving by Speed, 71/45. Result: Dismissed by Nolle Pros.
York GDC - Charge: Speeding 39/25. Result: Dismissed upon payment of court costs.
Norfolk GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving General. Result: Guilty of Reckless Driving. Judge expressed concern that client was changing lanes so often and that Trooper reached 100 mph to stop client. Sentence: $750.00 fine with $500.00 suspended, 90 days jail - 86 suspended (weekends; 10 days suspended License, 12 months good behavior. Appealed to Circuit Court.
Newport News GDC - 3 Charges: (1) Possession of Marijuana 2nd. Result: 30 days jail, all suspended, 2 years probation, Newport News 6 months license suspension, $250.00 fine, $166.00 court costs; (2) Driving Without License. Result: $100.00 fine, $30.00 court costs; (3) High Mount Stop Light Violation. Result: Dismissed.
Williamsburg GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving General - Obstructed View. Result: Dismissed!
Williamsburg GDC - Charge: Speeding 50/35. Result: Dismissed!
Williamsburg GDC – Charge: Reckless Driving General - Accident. Result: Dismissed!
Virginia Beac Newport News h GDC - Charge: Speeding 70/55 (15 mph over). Result: Amended to Speeding 64/55 (9 mph over), with fine of $90.00.
Isle of Wight GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 83/55. Result: Amended to Speeding, 69/55, with $168.00 fine.
Newport News GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving, 86/65. Result: Amended to Speeding, 86/65, with $130.00 fine.
Williamsburg GDC - Charge: DUI / DWI 1st, 0.11 BAC (Accident). Result: ASAP, 12 months suspended/restricted license, 12 months ignition interlock, $250.00 fine plus $216.00 costs, 90 days jail - all suspended.
Newport News GDC - Charge: Driving While License Suspended. Result: $1,000 fine with $650.00 suspended, 30 hours community service, 180 days jail - all suspended, 2 years good behavior.
Newport News GDC - 2 Charges: (1) Reckless Driving by Speed, 81/45. Result: Guilty of Reckless Driving as charged. Sentence: $250.00 fine and costs, suspended $75.00 of fine, 25 days jail - all suspended (no jail to serve), 12 months good behavior. (2) Expired Inspection. Result: Dismissed with costs.
Newport News Circuit - 2 Charges: (1) Possession of Marijuana and Defective Brake Lights. Both charges dismissed.
Accomack GDC - Charges: Following Too Closely (Accident). Result: Dismissed by Nolle Pros. (2) DUI / DWI, 1st. Result: ASAP, $1,000 fine with $500 Suspended, 12 months suspended/restricted license, 12 months ignition interlock, 33 days jail with 30 days suspended.
Newport News GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 69/45. Result: Amended to Defective Equipment with $25.00 fine.
Virginia Beach GDC - 2 Charges: (1) Reckless Driving by Speed, 113/55. Result: $250 fine, $116 court costs, 180 days jail with 150 suspended, weekend jail. (2) Racing: $30.00 court costs, 180 days jail/160 suspended, 24 months good behavior, license suspended for 6 months.
Newport News GDC – Charge: DUI / DWI, 1st. Result: $250.00 fine, ASAP, 180 days jail - all suspended, 12 months suspended license (did not request restricted license), one year good behavior. Appealed to Circuit Court.
Hampton Circuit - Charge: Reckless Driving General. Result: Dismissed.
Newport News GDC - 4 Charges: DUI / DWI, 1st. Result: $250.00 fine, ASAP, 12 months suspended/restricted license, 6 months ignition interlock, 12 months good behavior, 180 days jail - all suspended. Remaining three charges dismissed: Refusal, Crossing Lane Markings, Reckless Driving General.
Newport News GDC - 2 Charges: (1) Possession of Marijuana, 1st Offense. Result: 74 hours community service, no suspension of license, one year good behavior, CCD Monitoring, no fine. (2) Failure To Stop Entering Public Highway. Result: Dismissed.
Hampton GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving (Accident - Failure to Yield). Result: Dismissed!
Newport News Circuit - 3 Charge: (1) Reckless Driving General. Result: Amended to Defective Equipment with $50.00 fine and court costs of $176.00. (2) Failure to Display License Plates. Result: Guilty with $25.00 fine and court costs of $100.00. (3) Operate Unregistered Vehicle. Result: Guilty with $50.00 fine and court costs of $100.00.
Newport News JDR - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 76/45. Result: Guilty with 90 days suspended license and $100.00 fine.
Culpeper GDC - 2 charges: (1) DUI / DWI, 2nd with elevated BAC. Result: Amended from DUI 2nd to DUI 1st. Sentence: ASAP, $500 fine with $250 suspended, 12 months suspended license with restricted license, 6 months ignition interlock requirement, 15 days jail on weekends. (2) Pretrial Violation – Dismissed!
Newport News GDC – Charge: Speeding 50/35. Amended to Speeding 44/35 with $54 fine.
Newport News JDR - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 56/35. Result: Dismissed!
Newport News GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 82/60. Result: Amended to Speeding, 69/82, with $54.00 fine.
Newport News GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 72/45. Result: Amended to Speeding, 64/45, with fine of $200.00.
Newport News GDC - 2 Charges: (1) Reckless Driving by Speed, 79/60. Result: Amended to Speeding, 79/60, with $114.00 fine and costs. (2) Driving Without License. Result: Dismissed.
Norfolk GDC - 3 Charges: (1) Driving Without License. Result: Dismissed! (2) Expired Inspection. Result: Dismissed! (3) No Seatbelt. Result: $25.00 fine (no court costs).
Isle of Wight GDC – Charge: Speeding, 64/45. Result: Dismissed with court costs of $64.00.
Virginia Beach GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 77/55. Result: Guilty with $200.00 fine and court costs of $91.00.
Mathews GDC - 2 Charges: (1) Reckless Driving – Fail to maintain control. Result: Dismissed. (2) Expired Tags. Result: Dismissed with court costs of $61.00.
York GDC - Charge: No Driver's License (misdemeanor). Result: Amended to Driving Without License in Possession (infraction) with $10.00 fine.
York GDC - 2 Charges: (1) Expired Registration. (2) No Valid Driver's License. Result: Both charges dismissed by Motion to Strike.
New Kent GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 86/70. Result: Amended to Speeding, 79/70, with $54.00 fine.
Hampton GDC - 2 Charges: (1) DUI / DWI, 2nd in 5 years. (2) Refusal, 2nd. Result: Guilty of Both Charges: (1) DUI / DWI - ASAP, 30 days jail - 10 suspended (20 mandatory) (weekends), $500 fine, 3 years license suspension, restricted after 1 year. (2) Refusal 2nd - 3 years suspended license. Appealed both charges to Circuit Court.
Newport News Circuit - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 95/60. Result: Judge withheld finding for client to complete volunteering with review date scheduled.
Newport News GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving General - Accident. Result: Dismissed!
Newport News GDC - Charge: Speeding, 45/25. Result: Amended to Speeding, 39/25, $84.00 fine.
Chesapeake GDC - 2 Charges: (1) DUI / DWI, 1st, 0.14 BAC and (2) Marijuana Possession. Result: (1) DUI / DWI - ASAP, 12 months suspended license, 90 days jail with 84 suspended. Appealed to Circuit Court. (2) Marijuana - First Offender program with dismissal after 24 hours volunteering, $194.48 fine and costs.
Newport News GDC - Charge: Speeding, 81/60. Result: Speeding, 79/60, with $114.00 fine and court costs of $66.00.
Newport News GDC GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving General - Accident. Result: Amended to Improper Driving with $100.00 fine and court costs of $101.00.
Newport News GDC GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 54/25. Result: Amended to Speeding, 34/25, with $54.00 fine.
USDC Newport News - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 76/45. Result: Sentence: $200.00 fine, $10.00 Special Assessment, $30.00 Processing Fee.
Newport News GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving General - Accident. Result: Amended to Defective Equipment, $25.00 fine.
York GDC - 2 Charges: (1) Reckless Driving by Speed, 76/55. Result: Amended to Speeding, 74/55, with $175.00 fine plus court costs of $61.00. (2) Improper Use of Inspection Sticker. Result: Fail to Have Vehicle Inspected.
Williamsburg/James City GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving General. Result: Amended to Improper Driving.
Suffolk GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving General - Accident. Result: Not Guilty!
Newport News GDC - Charge: Speeding 80/60. Result: Dismissed!
Newport News GDC - Charges: 2 Counts of Misdemeanor possession of concealed weapon without permit, and Speeding, 42/25. Result: Speeding and one concealed carry charge dismissed. Remaining concealed carry amended to Reckless Driving General, 90 days jail - all suspended, 1 year good behavior, firearms to be returned.
Northampton GDC - 2 charges. DUI / DWI, 1st. Sentence: Complete ASAP, $1000 fine with $500 suspended, 12 months suspended/restricted license, 12 months ignition interlock, 3 days jail, 5 years good behavior. Marijuana Possession Sentence: $250 fine, 30 days jail - all suspended, 6 months suspended/restricted license.
Newport News GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 52/25. Result: Amended to Speeding, 44/25, with $114.00 fine.
York GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 75/55. Result: Reduced to Speeding, 74/55, $114.00 fine.
Newport News GDC - 2 Charges: (1) Reckless Driving by Speed, 76/55. Result: Amended to Speeding, 74/55, $114.00 fine. (2) Driving Without a License. Result: $50.00 fine with suspension of the fine. No license suspension, court costs only.
Williamsburg GDC - Charge: Defective Equipment - headlight out. Result: Dismissed, no court costs.
Newport News GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 45/25. Result: Amended to Defective Equipment with $120.00 fine.
Newport News GDC – 3 Charges: (1) DUI / DWI, 1st. Result: ASAP, $1,000 fine with $500.00 suspended, 180 days jail - all suspended, 12 months suspended/restricted license, 6 months ignition interlock. (2) Marijuana Possession. Result: Dismissed. (3) Reckless Driving (Accident). Result: Dismissed.
Hampton GDC - 3 Charges: (1) Suspended License. Result: 90 days jail -all suspended, $250.00 fine. (2) Obstructing Justice/Resisting Arrest. Result: 90 days jail - all suspended, $30.00 fine. (3) Speeding, 38/25. Result: Fine of $78.00.
York GDC - Charge: Aggressive Driving - Accident. Result: Dismissed!
New Kent GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving - Passing Stopped School Bus - Misdemeanor. Result: Amended from misdemeanor to civil violation with $250.00 fine.
Isle of Wight GDC - 2 Charges: (1) DUI / DWI, 1st. Result: ASAP, $250.00 fine and costs, 30 days jail - all suspended, 12 months suspended/restricted license, 6 months ignition interlock, 24 months good behavior. (2) Refusal. Result: Dismissed by Nolle Pros.
Newport News GDC - Charge: Speeding, 46/25. Result: Amended to Defective Equipment, $30.00 fine.
Newport News GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 57/35 Work Zone. Result: Dismissed with court costs of $101.00.
NEWPORT NEWS GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 59/35. Result: Amended to Improper Driving, with $100.00 fine and court costs.
Hampton Circuit - Charge: Speeding, 79/60. Result: Dismissed!
Hampton GDC - Charge: Speeding, 82/60. Result: Amended to Speeding, 79/60, $114.00 fine.
Newport News GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 83/60. Result: Amended to Improper Driving with $138.00 fine.
Newport News GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving General - Accident. Result: Amended to Defective Brakes with $30.00 fine plus costs.
USDC Newport News - Charge: Reckless Driving - Passing a School Bus. Result: Dismissed on Motion to Strike without calling any of our witnesses.
Newport News Circuit – Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 103/60. Result: Dismissed!
York GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 81/55. Result: Amended to Speeding, 64/55, with $54.00 fine.
York GDC - Charge: Speeding, 78/55 in Work Zone. Result: Amended to Defective Equipment with $50.00 fine.
York GDC - 2 Charges: (1) Speeding, 61/45. Result: Amended to Improper Equipment with $50.00 fine plus costs. (2) Improper Window Tint: Result: Dismissed with costs only.
York GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 77/55. Result: Amended to Speeding, 69/55, fine of $250.00, plus costs.
Newport News Circuit - Charge: Suspended License. Result: Dismissed!
Williamsburg/James City County GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 85/70. Result: Fine of $200.00 and court costs of $86.00.
Newport News Circuit - Charge: Fail to Yield to Pedestrian in Intersection. Result: Guilty. Fine of $50.00, and costs of $151.00.
York GDC - Charge: Driving with Suspended License. Result: Amended to Driving Without completing financial responsibilities, $100.00 fine, 30 days jail - all suspended, no license suspension.
Newport News GDC - 2 Charges: (1) Reckless Driving by Speed, 59/35. Result: Dismissed. (2) No State Inspection. Result: Dismissed with court costs only.
Newport News GDC - 3 Charges: (1) DUI / DWI. Result: $250.00 fine, ASAP, 180 days jail - all suspended, 12 months suspended license, eligible for restricted license. Remaining charges dismissed: Refusal and Reckless Driving.
York GDC - Charge: Speeding, 70/55. Result: Amended to Defective Equipment, $50.00 fine and costs.
Newport News GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 84/65. Result: Amended to Improper Driving with $114.00 fine, plus costs.
Norfolk GDC - 2 Charges: (1) Reckless Driving - Accident. Result: Dismissed! (2) Restricted License Violation. Result: Guilty, $300.00 fine, no jail or license suspension.
Hampton GDC – Charge: Racing. Result: Dismissed!
Newport News GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving (General) - Accident. Result: Amended to Improper Driving with $50.00 fine and court costs.
Newport News Circuit - Charge: Speeding, 79/60. Result: Amended to Defective Equipment, $54.00 fine and $151.00 court costs.
Newport News Circuit – Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 96/60. Result: $500.00 fine, 6 months suspended/restricted license, 30 days jail with 26 days suspended.
Newport News GDC - 2 Charges: (1) DUI / DWI, 1st, 0.12 BAC. Result: $250.00 fine and costs, ASAP, 12 months suspended license, eligible for restricted, 180 days jail - all suspended, one year good behavior. (2) Reckless Driving. Result: Dismissed.
Newport News GDC - 3 Charges: (1) Driving after Illegally Consuming Alcohol. Result: 50 hours community service, one year probation, 12 months suspended/restricted license. No ASAP. (2) Underage Possession of Alcohol. Result: Dismissed. (3) Defective Headlight. Result: Dismissed.
Newport News GDC - 2 Charges: (1) DUI / DWI, 1st, Result: $250.00 fine and costs, complete ASAP, 180 days jail - all suspended, 12 months license suspended/restricted, 6 months ignition interlock. (2) Improper Lane Change - Crossing Double Yellow Line. Result: Dismissed. Client Appealed the DUI charge to the Circuit Court.
Newport News GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 86/65. Result: Amended to Speeding, 74/65 with $54.00 fine and $66.00 costs.
Hampton GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 82/60. Result: Amended to Speeding, 79/60, $114.00 fine and costs of $66.00.
Hampton GDC - 2 Charges: (1) Driving Under Revoked/Suspended License and (2) Reckless Driving/Accident. Result: Both cases dismissed!
Newport News Circuit – 5 Charges. Result: Dismissed 4 charges - Reckless Driving, Open Container, Expired Tags and Failure to Carry Registration. 5th charge: DUI / DWI with elevated BAC: 250.00 fine, ASAP, 180 days jail - 175 suspended, 5 days mandatory to serve on weekends, 12 months suspended / restricted license, 12 months good behavior.
Hampton Circuit – Charge: Speeding, 82/60. Result: Amended to Speeding, 69/60 with $114.00 fine and costs.
Newport News GDC - 5 Charges: Result: 4 Charges Dismissed - (1) Reckless Driving General, (2) Open Container, (3) Suspended License, (4) Crossing Double Yellow Lines. 5th charge: DUI / DWI 2nd in 5-10 years. Sentence: (1) ASAP, (2) $500.00 fine and $50.00 trauma fee, (3) 365 days jail with 355 suspended (10 days mandatory), (4) 3 years suspended license with restricted after 4 months. Appealed the DUI to Circuit Court.
Norfolk Circuit - ASAP show cause hearing. The judge revoked the 12 months of the suspended sentence and then re-suspended 11 months. This left 15 days of jail to serve with home monitoring and a delayed report for the start date.
Greensville GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 85/70. Result: Amended to Defective Equipment with $200.00 fine.
King & Queen GDC - 2 Charges: (1) Marijuana Possession, 1st Offense. Result: To be dismissed if comply with terms: (a) Remain drug and alcohol free; (b) Pay court costs of $166.00: (c) 24 hours community service: (d) 6 months suspended license, eligible for restricted license: (e) Participate in drug rehab program and provide court with documents. (2) Speeding, 62/45. Result: Dismissed.
NEWPORT NEWS GDC - Charge: Fail to Obey Traffic Signal (Red light). Result: Dismissed with payment of court costs ($66).
Newport News GDC - Charge: Speeding, 79/65. Result: Dismissed!
York County GDC – Charge: Reckless by Speed, 80/55. Result: Dismissed!
Newport News GDC - 2 Charges: (1) DUI / DWI 1st with elevated BAC and (2) Reckless Driving General. Result: Both charges dismissed!
New Kent GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 92/70. Result: To be amended to Speeding, 80/70 on review date without an appearance. Conditions: (1) No new violations - submit DMV Transcript dated within 2 weeks before review date. (2) Pay $100.00 fine and $61.00 court costs. (3) 32 hours volunteering and submit letter.
New Kent GDC - 2 Charges: (1st) DUI / DWI, 1st, 0.11 BAC. Result: (A) ASAP; (B) $500.00 fine with $250.00 suspended; (C) 90 days jail - all suspended; (D) 12 months Suspended/Restricted License; (E) 6 months ignition interlock; (F) 3 years good behavior. (2nd) Class 5 Felony Hit and Run. Result: Amended to Misdemeanor - $1,000 fine; 12 months jail with 11 months suspended - leaving 15 days to serve. 3 months suspended license, 3 years good behavior.
Greensville GDC - Reckless by Speed, 85/70. Result: Amended to Defective equipment with $200 fine.
Williamsburg GDC - 2 Charges: (1) DUI / DWI, 0.13 BAC. Sentence: (a) ASAP; (b) 2 years good behavior; (c) $250.00 fine; (d) 90 days jail - all suspended; (e) 12 months suspended/restricted license; (f) 6 months interlock. (2) Expired Registration. Result: Dismissed.
Williamsburg GDC - 3 Charges: (1) DUI / DWI, 1st, 0.19 BAC. Sentence: (a) ASAP; (b) 2 years good behavior; (c) 90 days jail with 85 days suspended; (d) $250.00 fine; (E) 12 months suspended/restricted license; (f) 6 months ignition interlock. (2) Carrying Concealed Handgun While Under the Influence. Result: Dismissed but forfeited handgun. (3) Fail to Obey Highway Marking. Result: Dismissed.
Newport News GDC - Charge: Failure to Obey Stop Sign. Result: Dismissed with court costs of $151.00.
Newport News Circuit - Charge: Shoplifting. Result: Dismissed!
Norfolk Circuit - Charge: Speeding, 34/25. Result: Dismissed with payment of court costs.
Newport News Circuit – Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 72/45 (27mph). Result: Speeding, 64/45, $200.00 fine.
Williamsburg GDC – Charge: Speeding, 51/35. Result: Amended to defective equipment with $66 court costs.
Williamsburg. GDC – Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 69/45. Result: Amended to Speeding, 69/45, with $120.00 fine.
Newport News GDC - 2 Charges: (1) DUI / DWI, 1st, 0.23 BAC. Result: (a) $250.00 fine, (b) ASAP, (c) 180 days jail, 170 days suspended - weekends, (d) 12 months suspended/restricted license with 6 months ignition interlock; (2) Marijuana Possession. Result: Dismissed.
Newport News GDC - Charge: Expired Out of State Registration. Result: Dismissed!
Newport News GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 86/60. Result: Amended to Speeding, 75/60, with $90.00 fine.
Newport News GDC - Charge: DUI / DWI, 2nd in 5 years, 0.07 BAC. Result: Amended from 2nd offense DUI to 1st offense, which avoided jail and two additional years of license suspension. Sentence: ASAP, $250.00 fine, 6 months jail - all suspended, 12 months suspended/restricted license, 6 months ignition interlock.
Newport News GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by speed, 55/35. Result: Amended to Defective Speedometer with $30.00 fine and costs.
Suffolk GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving General (Accident). Result: Dismissed!
Williamsburg GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 97/70. Result: $500 fine, 30 days jail - all suspended, 60 days suspended / restricted license.
Suffolk GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 62/35. Result: Amended to Speeding, 54/35.
Newport News GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 95/65. Result: Amended to Speeding, 79/65, with $100.00 fine.
Hampton GDC - Charge: Speeding, 38/25. Result: Amended to Defective Speedometer with $50.00 fine plus costs.
Hampton GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving General - Accident. Result: Dismissed!
Newport News JDR - Review of Reckless Driving by Speed, 79/45. Result: Client satisfied all conditions - Charge dismissed!
Newport News GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 102/65. Result: Guilty: Sentence: (1) $1,000 fine plus court costs; (2) 30 days jail - all suspended; (3) 1 year good behavior; (4) 6 months suspended license; (5) 37 hours community service.
Newport News GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 82/65. Result: Amended to Speeding, 79/65, with $84.00 fine.
York GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 84/55. Result: Amended to Speeding, 74/55 with $114.00 fine plus costs.
York GDC - 4 Charges: (1) DUI / DWI, 1st, no BAC. Result: $500 fine with $250 suspended, ASAP, 90 days jail - all suspended, 12 months suspended/restricted license, 2 years good behavior, 6 months ignition interlock. Three charges were dismissed: (2) Refusal; (3) Driving with Open Container; and (4) Reckless Driving.
Newport News GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 86/65. Result: Amended to Improper Driving with $126.00 fine.
Newport News GDC - Charge: Speeding, 42/25, School Zone. Result: Amended to Speeding, 42/35. with $102.00 fine.
Newport News GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 84/65. Result: Amended to Improper Driving with $114.00 fine.
Newport News GDC - Charge: Speeding, 70/55, in Work Zone. Result: Amended to Speeding, 68/55.
Newport News GDC - 2 Charges: (1) Reckless Driving by Speed, 55/35. Result: Amended to Speeding, 50/35, with $90.00 fine. (2) Driving with Suspended License, 2nd. Result: $100.00 fine and 60 days suspended license.
Newport News GDC - Charge: Following Too Closely - accident. Result: Dismissed!
Newport News GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 60/35. Result: Amended to Speeding 54/35, $114.00 fine, plus court costs.
Newport News GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 99/55. Result: $500.00 fine plus costs, 4 days jail which means one weekend to serve, No license suspension.
New Kent GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 86/70. Result: Amended to Speeding, 79/70, fine $125.99.
Hampton GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving - Failed to Stop Entering Highway. Result: Dismissed!
Williamsburg GDC - 4 Charges. Result: (1) Felony DUI certified to Circuit Court. Dismissed the other three charges: Driving with Suspended License, Reckless Driving, and Open Container.
Chesapeake Circuit Court - 2 Charges: (1) DUI / DWI, 1st. Result: 90 days jail - all suspended, 2 years good behavior, $250.00 fine and costs, ASAP, 12 months suspended license – eligible for restricted license. (2) Possession of Marijuana. Result: First offender program – to be dismissed if comply with conditions.
York GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving General. Result: Dismissed!
Newport News GDC – Charge: Fail to Obey Highway Sign. Result: Dismissed!
Norfolk CC - Charge: Reckless Driving General. Result: $750.00 fine with $500.00 suspended, 90 days jail - all suspended, 12 months good behavior, no license suspension and no active jail.
Newport News GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 67/45. Result: Amended to Speeding, 54/45, with $54.00 fine.
Newport News GDC - 2 Charges: (1) DUI / DWI, 1st. Result: $250.00 fine, ASAP, 180 days jail - all suspended, 2 years good behavior, 12 months suspended license, no request for restricted license. (2) Unsafe Lane Change. Result: $20.00 fine plus costs.
York GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 71/45. Result: Amended to Speeding, 64/45, $114.00 fine.
Newport News JDR - 2 Charges: (1) Damaging Phone Lines (Preventing Calling 911) and (2) Assault on Family Member. Result: Dismissed both charges!
Newport News Circuit - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 86/60. Result: Amended to Speeding, 79/60, fine $108.00 plus costs.
York GDC - Charge: Speeding, 83/65. Result: Amended to Improper Driving, $50.00 fine.
Williamsburg GDC - Charge: ASAP Show Cause. Result: Dismissed!
Hampton GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 104/65. Result: Amended to Reckless Driving General, $250.00 fine plus costs. No Jail sentence and no license suspension.
Newport News GDC - Charge: ASAP Violation. Result: 345 days jail revoked, resuspended 340 days, 5 years good behavior, no fine, $40.00 court costs. Report to jail on Sunday for weekend.
Newport News GDC - Charge: Texting while driving. Result: $10.00 fine and court costs.
York JDR - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 86/45. Result: Case continued for review date to consider amendment or dismissal. Conditions: (1) No New Violations (need updated DMV dated within 10 days before the Review Date) (2) Pay court costs; (3) License Suspended 60 days; (4) 40 hours community service.
USDC - Charge: Reckless Driving - Passing a School Bus. Result: Amended to Improper Driving, $100.00 fine plus $5.00 costs.
Newport News GDC - Charge: DUI Drugs (marijuana). Result: Dismissed!
Brunswick County GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving Speed, 84/70. Result: Amended to Defective Equipment, $135.00 fine and costs.
Gloucester GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 97/60. Result: $1,000 fine, 30 days jail - all suspended except held in the courthouse holding area until end of the day, 40 hours community service, 180 days suspended license.
Newport News GDC - Charge: Speeding, 77/60. Result: Dismissed with court costs of $66.00.
Southampton GDC - Charge: Speeding, 76/60. Result: Amended to Defective Equipment, $96.00 fine.
Newport News GDC - Charge: Following Too Closely (accident). Result: Dismissed with court costs.
Hampton Circuit - 2 Charges: (1) DUI / DWI, 2nd in 5 years, and (2) Refusal, 2nd. Result: (1) DUI / DWI sentence - ASAP, $500.00 fine, 36 months suspended license, eligible for restricted license after 12 months, 30 days jail - 10 days suspended, 20 days mandatory; (2) Refusal - 3 years suspended license.
Norfolk GDC - 2 Charge: (1) Reckless Driving - Accident. Result: Amended to Improper Driving, with $200.00 fine; (2) Seatbelt Violation. Result: $25.00 fine.
Newport News Circuit - Petition for Restoration of Driving Privilege. Result: Judge permitted hearing in absence of client. Judge granted Restricted License with review date. 12 months Restricted License with 6 months ignition interlock required.
Newport News GDC - Three Charges: (1) DUI / DWI, 1st - Result: $250.00 fine, 6 months jail - all suspended, 12 months suspended/restricted license, 6 months ignition interlock. Appealed to Circuit Court. (2) Open Container. Result: Dismissed by Nolle Pros. (3) Obstruction. Result: Dismissed by Nolle Pros.
Newport News GDC - 2 Charges: (1) Driving Unregistered Vehicle. Result: Dismissed! (2) Driving Without Mirrors. Result: $25.00 fine plus costs.
Newport News GDC - 3 Charges: (1) Felony Hit and Run. Result: Dismissed by Nolle Pros. (2) Driving with Suspended License. Result: Dismissed by Nolle Pros. (3) Failure to Appear: Result: $100.00 fine - all suspended; 10 days jail - all suspended; pay court costs.
Newport News Circuit - 5 Charges. Four charges dismissed by Nolle Pros: Reckless Driving, Open Container, Driving While Suspended, and Crossing Double Yellow Lines. 5th Charge: DUI / DWI 2nd: (1) Complete ASAP; (2) $500.00 fine, $50.00 trauma fee, court costs; (3) 365 days jail with 355 days suspended, leaving 10 mandatory days to serve on weekends; (4) 3 years suspended license, eligible after 4 months for restricted license with ignition interlock.
Newport News GDC – Reckless Driving by: Speed, 70/35. Amended to: Improper Driving with $210 fine. Charge: Unsafe Lane change (accident). Result: Dismissed!
Newport News GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 70/35. Result: Amended to Improper Driving, $210.00 fine plus costs.
York Circuit - Charge: Reckless Driving (accident). Result: Amended to Improper Driving, $250 fine plus costs.
New Kent GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed 92/70. Result: Amended to Speeding.
York GDC, Charges: 1. Reckless Driving by Speed, 76/55, and 2. Failure to update license. Result: Both charges dismissed!
York GDC – Charge: Reckless Driving 82/60. Result: Dismissed!
York GDC – Charge: Reckless by Speed, 49/25. Result: Amended to Speeding, 44/25. $114 fine.
Hampton GDC – Two charges: (1) Driving with Suspended license (misdemeanor) amended to Driving without license in possession (infraction) with $66 court costs. (2) Defective brake light dismissed with $15 court costs.
Williamsburg GDC – Two Charges: (1) Driving with Suspended License. Result: Amended to Driving Without a License with $50 fine and $91 court costs. (2) Expired Registration. Result: Dismissed.
Williamsburg GDC – Two Charges: (1) DUI / DWI 1st. Result: ASAP, $250 fine, $186 costs, 90 days jail - all suspended, 12 months suspended license, did not request restricted license. (2) Following too closely (accident). Result: Dismissed.
Virginia Beach GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving Speed, 90/55. Result: $250.00 fine with $150.00 suspended; 10 days jail - all suspended; 30 days suspended license - without restricted.
Newport News GDC – 3 Charges. (1) Suspended License, 6th offense, (2) Speeding 47/35, and (3) Failure to Carry Registration. Result: All 3 charges dismissed!
Newport News Circuit - 2 Charges. (1) Felony Hit and Run. Result: Amended to Misdemeanor Hit and Run, 12 months jail - all suspended, 90 days suspended license, no fine and no active jail, 1 year good behavior. (2) DUI / DWI, 1st, elevated 0.24 BAC. Result: ASAP, $200.00 fine plus costs, 12 months suspended license with restricted license and 6 months ignition interlock, 12 months good behavior. Two other misdemeanors. Open Container and Driving with Suspended License. Result: Both charges dismissed!.
Virginia Beach GDC - Charge: Unsafe Lane Change (accident). Result: Dismissed!
Hampton GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving Speed, 88/60. Result: Amended to Speeding, 80/60, $120.00 fine.
Hampton GDC - Charge: Speeding, 50/35. Result: Amended to Defective Equipment, $50.00 fine.
Newport News GDC - Charge: Speeding, 49/35. Result: Dismissed! Pay court costs.
Newport News GDC - 3 Charges: (1) Expired Registration. Result: Dismissed with court costs only. (2) Illegal Inspection Sticker. Result: Dismissed with court costs only. (3) Driving With Suspended License, 4th offense (class 1 misdemeanor). Result: Amended to Driving Without License (class 2 misdemeanor), $100.00 fine - avoided 3 months License Suspension and 10 days mandatory jail.
Greensburg GDC - Charge: Speeding 73/55. Result: Amended to Defective Equipment, $150.00 fine plus court costs.
Norfolk GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 85/55. Result: Dismissed!
York County GDC - Charge: Speeding, 63/45. Result: Amended to Improper Equipment, $250.00 fine and costs.
Williamsburg/James City County GDC - Charge: DUI / DWI, 1st, 0.07 BAC. Result: Amended to Reckless Driving, General; $250.00 fine plus court costs; 90 days jail - all suspended (2 years good behavior); 6 months suspended license; no ASAP requirement.
Gloucester GDC - 2 Charges: (1) DUI, 1st. Result: Complete ASAP; $500.00 fine - with $250 suspended, plus costs; 12 months suspended license (did not apply for restricted license); 3 years good behavior; 90 days jail - all suspended. (2) Following Too Closely. Result: Dismissed by Nolle Pros!
Hampton GDC - 2 Charges: DUI / DWI, 1st and Refusal. Result: Both charges were dismissed!
Norfolk GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 82/55. Result: Amended to Speeding, 74/55, with $114.00 fine and court costs.
Newport News GDC - Charge: Fail to Drive on Right Side of Highway. Result: Guilty with $10.00 fine and costs.
Hampton GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 88/65. Result: Amended to Speeding, 9 mph over, 74/65, with $5.00 fine.
Hampton GDC - 2 Charges: (1) Speeding, 76/60. Result: Amended to Defective Speedometer with $50.00 fine plus court costs. (2) Window Tint. Result: Dismissed with court costs.
Newport News Circuit - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 95/60. Result: Amended to Speeding 20+ mph with $250.00 fine plus court costs.
York GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 84/55. Result: Amended to Speeding, 74/55 with $114.00 fine plus costs.
York GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 77/55. Result: Amended to Speeding, 64/55.
York GDC - 2 Charges: (1) Reckless Driving by Speed, 90/65. Result: $250.00 fine, no jail or License Suspension. Appealed to Circuit Court. (2) Driving with Suspended License. Result: Amended from Class 1 Misdemeanor to Driving Without a License (Class 2 Misdemeanor) with $100.00 fine and court costs.
York GDC - Charge: Failure to Yield - Left Turn (Accident). Result: Amended to Improper Equipment, with $100.00 fine and court costs.
Newport News GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 85/65. Result: Amended to Improper Driving with $120.00 fine plus court costs.
Newport News GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 87/65. Result: Amended to Speeding, 80/65, $90.00 fine plus court costs.
Newport News GDC - 2 Charges: (1) Expired Inspection Sticker. Result: Dismissed! (2) Reckless Driving by Speed, 70/45. Result: Amended to Improper Driving with $150.0 fine plus costs.
York GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 86/65. Result: Amended to Speeding 79/65, with $200.00 fine, plus court costs.
York GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed. Result: Amended to Speeding, 64/45, $250.00 fine, plus costs.
York GDC - Charge: Speeding, 64/45. Result: Amended to Defective Equipment with $50.00 fine plus costs.
Gloucester GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 81/55. Result: Amended to Speeding, 64/55, with $54.00 fine.
Newport News GDC - Charge: Speeding, 37/25. Result: Amended to Defective Equipment with $30.00 fine, plus costs.
Charles City GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 69/45. Result: Scheduled review date for amendment to speeding if conditions met.
Newport News GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 85/65. Result: Amended to Speeding at 19 mph over, $250.00 fine.
Hampton GDC - 2 Charges: (1) DUI / DWI, 1st, 0.18 elevated BAC. Result: ASAP; $250.00 fine reduced to $250.00; 30 days jail reduced to 25 days - 5 days mandatory - weekends; 12 months suspended/restricted license; 6 months ignition interlock. (2) Reckless Driving General. Result: Dismissed!
Newport News GDC - Charge: Speeding, 77/60. Result: Amended to 69/60, with $54.00 fine plus costs.
Newport News GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 83/60. Result: Amended to Improper Driving with $138.00 fine, plus costs.
Newport News JDR - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 126/65. Result: Dismissed with no fine or costs after meeting conditions imposed by the judge.
Williamsburg GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 67/45. Result: Dismissed!
York GDC - Bond Hearing - Result: Judge granted bond and transfer to program. Conditions: $2,500 unsecured Bond; Pretrial supervision; successfully complete program.
York GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 72/45. Result: Guilty, $250.00 fine, no license suspension. Appealed to Circuit Court.
Newport News GDC - Charge: Speeding, 50/35. Result: Amended to Defective Equipment, $100.00 fine plus court costs.
Newport News GDC - Charge: Speeding, 50/35. Result: Amended to Speeding, 49/35 with fine of $80.00, plus court costs.
Newport News GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 89/65. Result: Amended to Improper Driving with $250.00 fine, plus court costs.
Newport News JDR - Charge: Failure to Maintain Lane. Result: Guilty, $100.00 fine plus costs.
Williamsburg GDC - 2 Charges: (1) DUI / DWI, 2nd within 5-10 years. Result: ASAP, $50.00 Trauma Fund, $500.00 fine plus court costs; 3 year suspended license; 4 months before restricted license; 6 months jail - suspended all but 10 days mandatory jail. (2) Possession of Marijuana. Result: Dismissed.
Newport News JDR – Petition for Restricted License. Result: Judge granted restricted license to begin when current suspension ends.
York GDC - Charge: Reckless Driving by Speed, 107/65. Result: Guilty, 90 days jail/ 75 suspended; $300.00 fine, plus costs; 6 months license suspension; 2 years probation.